1.Berliana R Br Naipospos, S.S., S.Pd., 2. Tedty Rohaya Tinambunan, S.S., M.Si


This thesis entitled “Students‟ Grammatical Errors In Writing Procedural Text: A Case Study In Public Health Student at Deli Husada Deli Tua Health Institutei” is an analysis about the kinds of error in grammatical and causes of error which found in writing a procedural text made by the students of 3rd semster of Public Health Student at Deli Husada Deli Tua Health Institute. It used the Keshavarz (1994) theory which explained about kinds of error and Touchie (1986) theory which explained about causes of error. This research used qualitative method. Aim of this study is to measure the ability of the students of grade eleven in writing a procedural text. The object of the study in the discussion of this thesis is taken from the questions which are given to the students. The findings of kinds of error there were grammatical errors made by the students which are classified into twelve types of grammaticalerrors, they are errors in the use of tenses, errors in the use of prepositions, errors in the use of articles, error in the use of active and passive voice, errors in the use of relative clauses and relative pronoun, errors in the use of part of speech, and errors of typical Bahasa Indonesia-English structure. Based on the data above, the writer concluded that the dominant kinds of error was errors in the use of part of speech and the dominant causes of error was false concept hypothesis, fossilization, overgeneralization, and simplification.


Keywords: Error analysis, Grammatical error, Writing, Procedural text


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