Irma Zarwinda, Fauziah Fauziah




The leaves of Starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) contain active anti-acne compounds. This study aims to determine the study of the ethanol extract formulation of starfruit leaves as a peel off mask. The research method is experimental. Evaluation of peel off mask preparation included organoleptic observation (smell and color), and irritation test for volunteers. This research was conducted at the Chemical Laboratory of AKAFARMA Banda Aceh and the FKIP Kimia Unsyiah laboratory. The sample used was a peel off mask with four formulas, namely blank (F0), a formula with the addition of 7% (FI), 9% (FII), and 11% (FIII) ethanol extract concentrations. The results showed that all peel off mask formulas were homogeneous. The observation result of the peel off mask showed that the color and smell of the mask preparation did not change for 4 weeks of storage at room temperature. The color for F0 is colorless (clear) while the formula for FI and FII is light brown and FIII is dark brown. The smell for F0 smells of ethanol while FI, FII, and FIII have a distinctive smell, namely the smell of starfruit leaves. This shows that the resulting peel off mask is stable. The peel-off mask did not irritate the skin of 12 volunteers. So, the peel off mask of ethanol extract of starfruit leaves (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) is safe to use.


Keywords: formulation, peel off mask, and starfruit leaves, Study of Peel off Mask Formulation from Ethanol Extract of Wuluh Starfruit Leaves, article, symposium, national.

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