Juliwati Putri Batubara, Rumondang Rumondang, Khairani Laila




The aquarium's ornamental fish trade or business has an economic opportunity to earn up to hundreds of millions of rupiah.Orlanda goldfish (Carrasius auratus) is the most in-demand ornamental fish by hobiest aquarium fish compared to other ornamental fish sold from ornamental fish shops in West Kisaran District.Although the ornamental fish business is very profitable but the trade/business of the fish can be detrimental because the goldfish has the opportunity to be a parasitic carrier agent. The higher the intensity of the fish trade then the chance of the spread of parasites to infect aquarium fish the greater.The study aims to gain information and knowledge about the types, prevalence, intensity and organs infected with  carp ectoparasites from ornamental fish stores as a preventive measure in the spread of parasites.The method used is the survey method. Fish samples are obtained from ornamental fish stores and observed under a microscope by scraping mucus from the outer organs. Ectoparasites found in  carp (C. auratus) are identified to see their type, prevalence and intensity.The types of ectoparasites found to infect C. auratus are the Protozoans (Trichodina sp, Ichtyopthirius multifilis and Chilodenella sp), Monogenea (Gyrodactylus sp and Dactylogyrus sp) and Copepoda (Metanauplius Larnea sp).Dactylogyrus sp is the ectoparasite with the highest prevalence of 76.47% and this ectoparasite is found only in the gills.The next high prevalence is Gyrodactylus sp with a prevalence of 52.94%, this ectoparasite was found to infect the skin and tail fins.The results of the study were published in national seminars and national journals with ISSN.


Keywords: Ektoparasit, Carrasius auratus, prevalensi

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