Sapri Sapri, Hermawansa Hermawansa




Villagers are a group of relatively small areas within an area that are bound by applicable rules and interact with each other continuously or continuously. Population development will be influenced by the number of babies born, the number of deaths, out-migration (moving) and in-migration (migrants). The problem in this research is how to report the number of population, deaths, births, out-migration (moving) in-migration (migrants) using a programming language. The benefits of research are to facilitate reporting of population, make it easier for village officials to record population numbers, births, deaths, out-migration (moving) and in-migration (newcomers) quickly and effectively, making it easier for people to get information on population numbers, births, deaths, and out-migration ( moving) and in-migration (migrants) The purpose of this research is to create new technology in the world of village government with a special programming language (Visual Basic.Net). in the village government of Kembang Seri, Bermani Ilir District, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. The research method is planning, needs analysis, hardware and software preparation, programming, system testing, evaluation, implementation. In carrying out public services to the community, a system that can help local governments, especially in the Kembangseri Village, Bermani Ilir District, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province, is needed in terms of reporting population numbers, births and deaths, out-migration (moving) and in-migration (newcomers) using programming languages. specifically (Visual Basic.Net).


Keywords: Birth, death, outgoing migration and incoming migration

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