Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Iwansyah Iwansyah, Ellysa Ellysa



Liquid waste is one of the sources of pollutants for the environment which can have a negative impact in the form of disruption to health, biotic life and disruption to beauty so it must be processed before being disposed of in the environment. Every waste water produced from each activity needs to be managed properly based on its characteristics in order to reduce the quality of the pollutants contained in it. WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) of the Banda Aceh Baristand Industry laboratory is a centralized wastewater treatment system from several laboratories owned by the Banda Aceh Baristand Industry. The IPAL Technology Process used is a combination of anaerobic fluidized bed bio-filter and imhoff tank followed by a process of gravity filtration, absorbance, microfiltration and ultraviolet. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the design results and analyze the performance of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) of the Banda Aceh Industrial Baristand Laboratory. This study begins by conducting a preliminary study to determine the amount of addition of 10% Poly Alumina Chlorin (PAC) and technical NaOH coagulants to reach pH 9 to 12 and continue the application research to WWTP, at the application stage testing of water samples from IPAL then compare it with the quality standard PermenLH No. 5 of 2014 (Appendix XLIV) to determine the effectiveness of processing the WWTP. The results of laboratory tests that have been carried out on samples of WWTP outlet wastewater have found that the test values of phenol, free chlorine and nitrite have not met the required quality standards.


Keywords: Laboratory WWTP, Environment, Graphite Filtration, Coagulation, Activated Carbon.

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