Ferawati Royani, Widya Timur



Nowadays the more cases that afflict the nation’s children especially girls, one of the cases that are vulnerable to girls at this time is sexual violence that can occur ini various age groups, social status, place and time. Sexual violence can occur not only in people who are not known, sexual violence that befell girls can also occur in the closest environment, namely the family.  Variousstudiesandreportshave revealedmany obstaclesthat facein accessing justice. To help the contraintsfaced accessing justice, the role of mediator (intermediaries) such asparalegals that provide help, support and services for to be important. Paralegalis a “tool” that isessential to improving access to justice. With regard to the role of paralegals in regulating incest crimes in Bengkulu Province, for the sake of justice for incest victims from the existing legal protection arrangements, both in Law no. 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence and Law No. Number. 17 of 2016 concerning the establishment of a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law Number. 23 of 2002 Regarding child protection, it turns out that it has not explicitly regulated parents as perpetrators and there is no additional punishment for parents as perpetrators of sexual violence against their biological children (incest).


Keywords: Role of Paralegals, Crime, Justice

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Sumber: Disarikan dari working paper, kelompok kerja paralegal Bengkulu


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