Zubaidah Hanum, Mhd. Hamzah Lubis




This study discusses the systems and procedures used by PT. Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) in distributing company CSR funds. The purpose of this research is to provide information about the systems and procedures that must be followed to distribute CSR funds. A system is a framework of interconnected procedures while a procedure is a series of work. In terms of channeling procedures and CSR indicators, namely submission of proposals by the community, principle permits from corporate management, implementation of feasibility surveys in the field, discussions with potential beneficiaries, delivery of assistance, signing of handover notes and documentation. The author uses a qualitative description method, namely by direct interviews with PKBL bureau staff PT. Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero). The data collection method that the writer uses is making observations by directly observing the activities in distributing CSR funds at PT. Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) and conducted interviews. The results of this study contain the systems and procedures for distributing CSR funds at PT. Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero), starting from submitting a proposal to the receptionist, being selected by the board of directors, forwarding it to the PKBL bureau for the survey process, being approved by the board of directors, approving it into the system, channeling the CSR funds, submitting minutes and documentation.


Keywords: Systems, Prosedures, distribution of funds, CSR

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