Sri Rahmah Dewi Saragih, Putri Lidiana Permata Sari




Mathematics education is the key to civilization and prosperity that is aspired to through the process of self-maturation so that the decision-making process for a problem faced is always accompanied by a great sense of responsibility. Therefore, the learning process at school is a very important activity in improving the quality of mathematics education. Because with education it can give birth to generations of knowledgeable humans. Students' difficulties in learning mathematics can be caused by various things such as the delivery of teaching material that is less attractive from the teacher and without using the media. So that students' intellectual questions are not achieved. The purpose of this study was to improve students' intellectual questions by utilizing mathematical pyramid media using the research method Action classroom research. From the data obtained that the number of research subjects was 15 people in the first cycle, the score obtained had reached KKM 75 with the average obtained by students was 86.6.


Keyword: Intelectual Question, Mahtematical Pyramid Media

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