Paisal Manurung, Lis Supiatman




This study aims to see and to improve of social media on adolescent literacy competency during the COVID 19. This study involved respondents from school units at including the Islamic Education Madrasah Foundation (YMPI) Silo Bonto Kec.Silaut Laut Kab. Asahan, SMK Technology and Industry Muhammadiyah 5 Kisaran, SMAN I Air Batu, Pulau Rakyat Private High School with a total of 100 respondents according to the theory used. The study used a qualitative approach by placing a questionnaire as a medium for collecting data. From the results of the study, it was found that the influence of social media on adolescent literacy during the Covid 19. It was meant that the data is described so that this result means that social media has become a routine consumption of teenagers in finding the information they need, regardless of whether it is true. and wrong and it had changed their behaviour and attitude.


Keywords: influence, covid 19, youth, information

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