Siti Hajar, Dwi Mahartika


This study aims to find out whether students’ achievement through using still Pictures is higher than the students’ achievement through motion pictures in writing procedure text. The research of the study was conducted by experimental research. The subject of this study was the students of SMA Swasta Abdi Negara Binjai class X2 and X3 consisted of 30 students for each class. The research was conducted in two groups. They are experimental group using treatment still pictures and control group using treatment motion pictures. To collecting the data was taken from writing test. Based on the calculation, it shows that the reliability of the test was 0,81 categorized as very high reliability. Then, after analyzing the data, it was found that the value of to was 3.644 with the degree of freedom (df) =58 at the level of significance p(0,05) = 2,004. It means that to is higher than tt (3,644 > 2,004). It was found that teaching procedure text by using still pictures is higher than using motion pictures. Still pictures have a significant effect on students’ achievement in writing procedure text. It is suggested that English teacher use still pictures as one of alternatives media in teaching procedure writing.


Keywords: Still Pictures, Writing Achievement.

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