Rini Ekayati, Yuni Sri Rahayu


Motivation is one of the factors that helped determine effectiveness in learning, even in language learning like English. Therefore, to gain an optimal effectiveness in the learning process, a developed learning strategy is needed. Recently, it is revealed that fun learning situation has potential characteristics to be used as a strategy to increase students’ motivation in learning English. This article discussed the effect and incensement of students’ motivation through Fun English Learning Strategy (FELS). The strategy was well-designed in two class of sample, experiment and control class. It was conducted to obtain data quantitatively and qualitatively for the need of analysis. FELS showed a great effect and also an improvement to the learning process, especially to the students’ motivation in learning English, compared to those without the application of it. Furthermore, FELS showed an improvement of students’ motivation in learning English, and gave positive effect to the learning process indicated by the value of t-test was higher than t-table, 25.93 >2.00, with degree of freedom were 64. Finally, these results suggest that Fun English Learning Strategy has a potential to be used in improving students’ motivation in learning English.

Keywords: Learning Strategy, Learning Motivation, , Fun English Learning Strategy

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