Fatolosa Telaumbanua, Dafid Ginting


Police stakeholders called on motorcyclists to turn on the lights during the day. The ignition of the lights will require electrical energy, where the energy needed is taken from a machine that uses fuel.Therefore, motorbikes will use more fuel if the lighting is done. This study aims to determine what percentage of the increase in fuel use is due to the lighting of the lights, especially during the day to obtain information about the effects of lighting the lights.Testing is done by turning on a motorcycle by setting a fuel use of 50 milliliters and the length of time spent using fuel is measured with and without the ignition of the lights.Then the rate of use of fuel volume is calculated with and without the ignition of the lights.By comparing these two quantities, the percentage and amount of increased use of fuel with and without ignition of the lights is obtained.After testing and calculation is done, the percentage of increase in fuel use due to lighting is obtained at 1.3% to 1.8% and an average of 1.6%. Meanwhile, the percentage of fuel use for lighting is 1.3% to 1.8% and an average of 1.575%.Indeed, this percentage is very small for one motorbike, but if there are 10 million motorbikes that consume 1 liter per day with lighting, then in one month it will use as much as 4.725 million liters or 21.2 billion rupiah for lighting.This large amount is certainly not wasted and there is no increase in air pollution due to smoke and global warming if there is no lighting on the lights during the day.


Keywords: type and condition of motorcycle, percentage, fuel, cost

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