Emiel Salim Siregar, Dicky Apdilah


Trading transactions via the internet are different from shopping or trading in the real world. Through e-commerce, buyers (buyers) access the internet to websites, which then buyers (buyers) look for the desired item. If you have found the desired item, the buyer sends an offer on the seller's page, calls, or sends a short message to the seller.

The legal requirements of an online sale and purchase agreement viewed from Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions fulfill the legal requirements of an agreement Article 1320 Civil Code, namely agreements, skills, certain matters, and legal reasons.

Although there is one of the legal requirements of the agreement that is not fulfilled, namely regarding the skill requirements of the parties, agreements that buy and sell online through rekber remain valid and binding and become legal for the parties because skill requirements are included in subjective conditions where a condition is not fulfilled in the agreement does not cause the agreement to be invalid, but the agreement can be requested for cancellation; and legal protection for buyers and sellers who use joint accounts regulated in the UUPK, namely in Article 4 concerning consumer rights, among others, obtaining goods that are in accordance with exchange rates and conditions and guarantees, obtaining information about goods, and obtaining compensation, Article 5 concerning the obligation of consumers, among others, to follow the procedure for the use of goods, has good intentions in carrying out goods purchase transactions, and pays as agreed.


KeyWord : UU Konsumen, UU ITE, Jual-Beli, Online

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