Nila Sudarti, Tuti Herawati


This service activity was carried out in Hamlet III, Rawang Baru Village, Rawang Panca Arga District, Asahan Regency. The problem that occurs in partners is the lack of reading ability of children at the elementary school level, so that the children's reading interest is very low. There are even some children who are already in elementary school grade 3 while still reading spelling. Children prefer to play with their friends, or even choose to play gedjet. With the low interest they have in reading, it has a huge impact on their ability to learn. The solution given by the implementer to partners is to provide reading books with images in order to attract children's attention and invite them to read in turns. This activity is expected to increase children's reading interest and skills. These activities include 1) providing basic knowledge about the importance of reading skills; 2) giving pictorial reading books to encourage interest and desire to read 3) giving tricks and tips so that a sense of desire to read arises; 4) conducting competition activities to motivate children and improve children's skills in the community. The target output is one article on; activity videos; and increasing the empowerment and knowledge of partners according to the problems at hand. An additional output is the publication of an accredited local journal under the name Anadara journal.


Keywords: Increase Reading Interest

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