dr. Haposan Siahaan, M.Kes, Frengki Hasugian




Many factors play a role in the duration of the diabetic wound healing process, including wound care, infection control, vascularization, age, nutrition, complications of disease, a history of smoking, medication, psychology, etc. This study aims to formulate a research problem, namely what are the determinants of factors associated with the healing of diabetic foot wounds in diabetes mellitus patients at the hospital. Sembiring. This study was conducted using a descriptive analysis design with a cross sectional approach which was carried out from January to April 2020 on a number of 20 diabetes patients who were treated at the hospital. Sembiring Deli Tua.

The results of the study using the Exact Fisher's statistical test showed that the variables associated with the healing of diabetic foot wounds in diabetes mellitus patients at the hospital. Sembiring, Deli Tua in 2019, namely early wound stage (p-value 0.11), length of treatment (p-value 0.035), initial wound stage (p-value 0.041) and unrelated variables namely final wound stage) p-value 0.06).

It is hoped that diabetes patients should pay more attention to the treatment of their diabetic foot wounds, keep them dry by changing the bandages regularly and follow a regular treatment schedule and it is hoped that wound nurses and other medical staff will be more active in providing information to diabetes patients about how to treat foot wounds. Diabetic, so that patients are more able to independently treat their wounds.


Keywords: healing, diabetic foot wound, diabetes mellitus patient

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