Agus Salim Marpaung


This study deals with lexical metaphor in English version text of Surah Al Isra by applying Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The objectives of the study are to describe the types of lexical metaphor used in English version text of  Surah Al Isra how are the metaphors used in Surah Al Isra  and the reason for the use of lexical metaphor in Surah  Al Isra. This study was conducted by using descriptive research. The sources of data were Surah Al Isra. The findings indicated that firstly, there are three concepts of lexical metaphor in Sura’ Al Isra such as 16 verses (36.36%) for Noun – Noun concept, 14 verses (31.81%) for Noun-Verb concept or verb-noun concept  and 12 verses  (27.27%) for Noun- Adj concept or adjective-noun concept. Secondly, linguistics realization of Lexical Metaphor in Sura’ Al Isra are through comparing Noun – Noun, Noun-Verb or Verb-Noun and Noun – Adjective or Adjective-Noun. The dominant type of lexical metaphor in Surah Al Isra is Noun - noun concept or Verb-Noun Concept. It means that most of the lexical metaphor is compared by noun and verb or verb and noun. Because this Surah tells us about the night of journey. The night of journey mostly tells about what will happen before and after the night of journey. So, we can find the most lexical metaphor in Sura’ Al Isra is comparing noun into verb or verb into noun.  Finally, the reasons of lexical metaphors used in Surah Al Isra are explaining the idea which is out of human life experience, explaining an abstract thing concretely and explaining something unknown yet with something familiar. In this study, the most dominant reason of using lexical metaphor in Surah Al Isra is explaining an abstract thing concretely. There are 4 verses in surah Al Isra about Faith, Laws, Stories, and Prayer.  Surah Al Al Isra tells us about the night of journey. This Sura’ explains about what will happen before and after night of journey. The night of journey is an abstract thing. No one in this world has experience about the night of journey except Rasullullah. So, this Surah mostly discusses about it. That’s why, the most dominant reason of using lexical metaphor in Surah Al Isra is explaining an abstract thing concretely.


Key Words : lexical metaphor, Systemic Functional Linguistics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36294/pionir.v5i4.1176


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