The Effect of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) on Students’ Reading Comprehension Text at the X Grade of Sma Taman Siswa Sukadamai in Academic Year of 2018/2019

Heri Noviandi, Lis Supiatman, Paisal Manurung


This research aims at finding out whether TGT method could effectively give significant in Reading Comprehension text at Grade X of SMA Taman Siswa Sukadamai in the academic year 2018/2019. The subject of the study was the students of the grade X MIA-1 and X MIA-2 at SMA Taman Siswa Sukadamai in the academic year 2018/2019. Experimental Classes was used in this research. The Experimental was conducted in two class. The Class Are X Experimental  Class and X Control Class, the total of population are 56. The sample came from the population, students coming from two classes consisting of 28 students. Each classes consisted of three steps namely Observation, treatment, and test. To collect the data, the researcher used test. Some procedures of implementing TGT. 1) Pre-test was a given the sample before being given treatment. Pre-test in two classes X MIA-1 and X-MIA2. Pre-test is given to know the students’ comprehension in reading. In pre-test the researcher used narrative text an instrument test. The students answer the questions with multiple choices. 2). Post test is a test given the sample treatment. The purpose of this test is to know the ffect of Teams Games Tournament in reading narrative text. The result of the research indicated that the average score of the class Experimental Class was 87 and average score of the class Control Class was 79,3. Therefore, the researcher recommend that the use of Team Games Tournament method to know effectiveness students’ ability in Reading comprehension and Narrative text. 

Key Word: Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text, Teams Games Tournament

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