The Effect Of Using Take And Give In Writing Skill’s At Grade X In Mas Daerah Aek Songsongan Academic Year 2018/2019

Budi Hartono Hutauruk, Yen Aryni


This study aims at investigating the effect of Take and Give Model in Writing Descriptive Text. This study was conducted by experimental research. The population of this study was the students at grade X IPS of Mas Daerah Aek Songsongan . The total number of the population was 44 students in two class. There were 44 students chosens as the sample by using random sampling technique. The sample was divided into two groups, namely control group and experimental group. The experimental group was taught by using Take and Give Model and Control Group was taught without using Take and give model. The instrument collecting the data was writing test. The data was analyzed by using t – test formula. The result of the analysis showed that t-observed value is higher than t – table ( 2. 10 >2. 00 ) at level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom 58. It means that the alternative hypothesis ( Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis ( Ho) is rejected. Based on the findings of this study, it was found that there is a significant effect of Take and Give Model in writing Descriptive Text.

Key words : Effect, Take and Give Model, Writing Descriptive Text.

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