Syarifah Hidayani


This study deals with language attitudes among college students in STAI JM Tanjung Pura toward English. It was aimed in investigating the types of the attitudes among the college-students, the levels of attitudes by the college-students at STAI-JM Tanjung Pura towards English realized and the reason or the factors why do they have the attitude such the way it is. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research were the college-students from Islamic Economics Major (Ekonomi Islam) for second semester in STAI-JM Tanjung Pura. The objects of this study were the language attitudes of the college-students in STAI-JM Tanjung Pura towards English. The data were analysed by applying Interactive models techniques by Miles, Huberman & Saldana analysis. Based on the data analysis, the college-students in STAI-JM Tanjung Pura showed positive attitudes towards English. Then the college-students had positive attitude towards English in the level of receiving, valuing and organizing values. On the other hand the college-students had negative attitude towards English in the level of responding and internalizing values. The college-students had positive attitude towards English because they are proud of using English and they were aware of English language norms. But on the other hand they were not loyal to use English in their daily interaction in the class.  Keywords: attitude, English teacher, gender, languageand teaching activities.

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