The Effect of Silent Way on the Students’ Mastery of Demonstrative Pronoun

Lis Supaitman




This study attempts to find out the effect of silent way on the students’ mastery of dmonstrative pronoun. In this study, experimental research was applied. The population of this research was the first year students of Junior High School Taman Siswa Kisaran. Two classes from five classeswere taken as the sample. Multiple choice tests were used as the instrument of collecting the data. Based on the analysis, the reliability of the test was 0,92 and t-calculated 3,91. It was higher than t-table at level significant of 0,05 (2,000). It proved that alternative hypothesis is accepted because t-calculated was higher than t-table. So, the silent way can give a signifcant effect on the students’ mastery of demonstrative pronoun.


Key words: Silent Way, Demonstrative Pronoun

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