Analisis Tindak Tutur Direktif Pada Novel Lotus In The Mud Karya Annelie Dalam Kajian Pragmatik

Mely lisa



This study aims to identify and describe (1) the form of the main character's directive speech act in Annelie's novel Lotus In The Mud (2) the function of the main character's directive speech act in Annelie's Lotus In The Mud novel (3) the effect of the main character's directive speech act on another character in Annelie's novel Lotus In The Mud. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, which describes or describes everything as it is. The results of this study indicate that in Annelie's novel Lotus In The Mud there are seven forms and functions of directive speech acts, namely; a. Order or order, b. order or request, c. beg, d. advise, e. suggest or suggest, f. ask, g. forbid. As well as the effect of the main character's directive speech acts on other characters in the novel Lotus In The Mud by Annelie there are two effects, namely: a. positive effect and b. negative effect. The seven directive forms and functions as well as the effects above add to the variety of languages in influencing the speech partner to carry out an action or activity.

Keywords: Novels. Speech Acts, Pragmatics

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