Penerapan Sistem Informasi Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pengelolaan Data Penjualan BUMDes Kukuh Winangun

I Made Dwi Putra Asana, I Nyoman Widhi Adnyana


BUMDes Kukuh Winangun is a business entity owned by Kukuh Village, Kerambitan District, Tabanan Regency. BUMDes Kukuh Winangun is the target partner of the team that proposes Community Service activities. Partners have problems in sales and inventory data management. Constraints in data management result in partners not having information about business performance, the contribution of goods, and inventory. Problems with access to information have an impact on the formulation of business development strategies. The Community Service Team implements science and technology as a solution to problem-solving for partners. In the area of sales and inventory data management, the team designed and built a computer-based inventory and sales management information system. The final result of Community Service activities is the development and application of desktop-based information systems in sales and inventory data management. Reports generated in the system are built in the form of inventory reports, sales reports, purchase reports, sales profit reports, and stock taking reports. The information generated through the report module can be the basis for BUMDes management in making decisions.


KeywordsBUMDes, Information System, Information Management System, Sales Data Management

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