Hardiana Hardiana, Yuni Dewi Safrida



One of the natural ingredients that have high potential in the treatment of disease is the water henna plant (impatiens balsamina L.). These plants are now widely recognized as medicinal plants, and are believed to have pharmacological effects, because they contain secondary metabolites, namely flavonoids, which have antibacterial properties.  The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial inhibition of the ethanol extract of the leaves of water henna (Impatiens balsamina L.) against the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria. Extraction is carried out by maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent. The research method is experimental laboratory with disk diffusion. This research was conducted in the Microbiology Laboratory of AKAFARMA Banda Aceh and the Laboratory of FMIPA Microbiology Unsyiah Darussalam Banda Aceh. The test results showed that the diameter of the inhibition zone on repetitions I and II with a concentration of 25%, and 50% was obtained, respectively, 23mm and 26 mm. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of water henna leaves can inhibit the growth of the Escherichia coli bacteria in the very strong category.


Keywords: Pacar Water Leaves, Ethanol Extract Escherichia coli Bacteria

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