Ade Ayu Prawita, Siti Ewin Pasaribu




Breastfeeding is very important for optimal growth and development both physically and mentally and for the intelligence of the baby so that the baby can grow perfectly as a healthy human being. Insufficient milk production is the most common inhibiting factor leading to cessation of breastfeeding practice. This study aims to determine the effect of torbangun leaves (coleus amboinicus lour) on breast milk production in postpartum mothers in Ononamolo village, Gunungsitoli Selatan sub-district, Gunungsitoli year. The research design used a pre-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population is post partum mothers in Ononamolo I Lot Village, Gunungsitoli Selatan District, Gunungsitoli City with a ratio of 1: 1. Sampling using purposive sampling technique of 20 post partum mothers with 1 intervention group given torbangun leaves to be consumed for 14 consecutive days and 1 control group given booster milk to be consumed at the same time as the intervention group. The instrument used to measure breast milk production is to use a measuring cup. The results of data collection were analyzed by using the T-Paired test. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained a p value of 0.000 <0.05, which indicates that there was a difference in the average milk production difference before and after consuming torbangun leaves in the intervention group and the control group.

 Keywords : Breastmilk production, Torbangun leaves, Post Partum Mothers

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