Rita Mawarni CH, Heru Gunawan




Barangan banana comes from North Sumatra, has a distinctive taste and aroma, sweet, yellow skin with brown spots when ripe, reddish yellow flesh. Propagation of banana plants with tissue culture which is able to provide fast, uniform, superior seeds and disease free. Propagation using this technique requires the best plantlet acclimatization media so that the seedlings can grow well, that is, they are porous, have good water holding ability, contain high nutrients and are easy to obtain. Another factor that affects plant growth is nutrient deficiency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of N fertilizers and the best growing media as an acclimatization of the barangan bananas produced by tissue culture.The research was conducted in the experimental field at Jalan Tuar, Medan Amplas District, Medan City from July to September 2020. This study used randomized complete block design, the treatment design is factorial, which consists of two factors: N fertilizer (N) with two level: N1 : Urea, N2 : NPK and (2) growth media (M) with four level: M1 : Sand + Husk charcoal, M2 : Sand + Compost, M3 : Sand + Manure, M4 : Sand + Cocopeat.The results showed the effect of N fertilizer showed a significant effect on the observation of seed height (18.54 cm) and number of leaves (4.92 strands) at the age of 6 mspt with the best treatment was N2 (NPK fertilizer). The influence of the planting medium showed a significant effect on the observation of seedling height (18.41 cm) and number of leaves (4.89) at the age of 6 mspt with the best treatment being M1 (sand + husk charcoal). The interaction of NPK fertilizer and different planting media on the acclimatization of banana seedlings from tissue culture did not show any significant effect on all observed parameters.


Keywords: Bananas, Acclimatization, Growth Media, Nitrogen, Tissue Culture

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