Moraidah Hasanah, T.Jukdin Saktisahdan, Rahmadsyah Rahmadsyah




This research was conducted based on the background of the problem, namely the importance of clean water in meeting community needs. People generally meet their water needs from various sources, namely rivers, wells, rainwater and several other sources. However, not all of the water obtained has met clean water standards, for example, river water has a very high color intensity. In this study, the process of purifying river water taken from Sumber Mulyo Village, Labuhan Batu Utara Regency, was carried out using the electrocoagulation method. Electrocoagulation method is a method of purification where there is a process of clumping and deposition of fine particles in water using a current. In this electrocoagulation process is carried out using a container with a size of 30cmx 20cm x 15 cm using an electrode plate (anode and cathode), namely copper (Cu) material that is installed in parallel and connected to a voltage source of 12.70 volts. Copper (Cu) plate is considered because the material has a good conductivity value. The data collection was carried out by adding a coagulant, namely a solution of aluminum sulfate (17% alum) with an amount of 10,000 ppm with a volume of 5 ml into the river water sample to speed up the electrocoagulation process. The time results obtained were much faster, namely 35 minutes compared to those previously studied (Susilawati, 2010). The results of the study were then tested and found significant changes in temperature, color, turbidity, copper (Cu) electrode metal content and DHL (electrical conductivity) when compared to river water samples before processing.

Keywords: River Water, Electrocoagulation, Cu

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