Ellysa Ellysa, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Hushla Shudri




This research discusses the chromium metal adsorption process using sea pandan leaves as adsorbent. The research purposes to determine the characteristics and performance of sea pandan leaves adsorbent on absorption capacity and removal efficiency of chromium concentration. the raw material in this study was using pandan laut leaves calcined at 300 ° C for 20 minutes. The size of the adsobent used was 35 and 50 mesh which were activated by 1% NaOH, he adsorption process used 1 mg / l chromium solution with contact times of 20, 40, 60 and 80 minutes.The characteristics of the adsorbent were tested for moisture content, ash content, iodine absorption, functional groups (FT-IR) and morphological tests (SEM). esearch results for moisture content, ash content and iodine absorption, adsorbent with a size of 35 mesh is the best size for chromium metal adsorption, FTIR analysis also found a number of hydroxy groups on the adsorbent surface, The largest pore size morphological test was found in the 35 mesh adsorbent, which was 18.4 µm. The analysis of the adsorbent performance for the highest removal efficiency and absorption capacity of chromium metal was obtained at the 35 mesh adsorbent of 99.09% and 0.0789 mg / g.


Keywords: pandanus tectorius, adsorption,chromium metal, NaOH

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