Adi Widarma, Yustria Handika Siregar




Examination is one of the activities in education through the implementation of a curriculum that cannot be separated from other activities. The success of implementing education according to running the curriculum can be seen from the success of carrying out the test in the real sense because the success of the exam is not only seen in terms of the scores obtained but also seen from the technical factors of the test implementation. The examination system, which is still carried out manually, sometimes causes several obstacles, including obstacles in its implementation, such as lack of paper, even in terms of correcting exam results it will also take more time. In this era of information technology, the learning system paradigm begins to show a shift, namely in the process of transferring knowledge. Electronic-based learning (E-learning) as a learning medium that uses information technology in education provides a very important role for the world of education. Web-based Learning (Web-based Learning) is a learning activity that utilizes a media site (website) that can be accessed via the internet network. In the e-learning concept, the implementation of exams can be done online, starting from giving questions, answering questions to giving test scores. The purpose of this research is to utilize information and communication technology by building an LMS-based online exam application system using Moodle to be more effective in its implementation. In this test application system development research used descriptive analysis techniques to analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected from the results of student responses in the trial design to obtain the effectiveness of the LMS-based online exam application system using the Moodle. The web-based online exam application system using Moodle is very effective for the implementation of online exams for students of the Asahan University Informatics Engineering Study Program. It can be seen from the level of achievement of the effectiveness value by students, the average value of effectiveness from 4 aspects of the assessment is 87.74 with the very effective category.


Keywords: web based learning, online exam, LMS, Moodle.

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