Wan Nurul Atikah Nasution, Sari Indah Lestari




This study aims to survey how the development of learning at Asahan University, especially the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program and English Language Education, during 2020 followed by the results of reports and output publications in 2020. The existing formulas are: (1) What are the steps bold learning? (2) What are the problems and carrying capacity of online learning? (3) What are the results of bold learning? This research uses one type of method of the descriptive type, namely the survey method with the object of research that includes 35 people, namely: (1) 10 Lecturers of the Language and Indonesian Education Study Program, (2) 13 Lecturers of the English Education Study Program, (3) 12 Lecturers of the Education Study Program Mathematics. Research data in the form of answers and or responses to research questionnaires. Data techniques such as documents and interviews with the data analysis technique model Miles and Huberman (1984). The results showed that (1) bold learning conducted by lecturers used three media, namely WhatsApp, Google classroom, and zoom. Based on these three media, 27 lecturers use WhatsApp, 15 lecturers use google classroom, and 3 lecturers use zoom. (2) Problems with many problems in learning on the network are internet quota, internet network, ineffective learning, not mastering information and communication technology, not being able to regulate morale. (3) The learning outcomes of learning were said to be successful with both class and very good categories for class 17 classes.


Keywords: Survey, Online Learning, Online

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