The Effect of Continue Story Game on the Students’ Speaking Skill at Grade X of SMA Negeri 1 Air Batu in 2019/ 2020 School Year. Script. The Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education

Rahma Yunita Ansi, Sari Indah Lestari




Based on the research findings, it can be said the using of Continue Story Game in teaching speaking is success since the criteria of success is achieved, where Based on a range of value, the researcher find out 2 students in experimental that have good and bad predicate, there are; 1) Indah Rizki Arfah got 82 with “A” predicate and 2) Abdullah Izlal Ramdhan got 64 with “D” predicate. And also, the researcher find out 2 students in control group that have good and bad predicate, there are: 1) Annisa Silvia got 80 with “A” Predicate and 2) Gita Mutia got 40 with “E” predicate. This study attempts to find out the effect continues story game on the students’ speaking skill at grade X of SMA Negeri 1 Air Batu In 2019/2020 school year. The design of this research is experimental design. The population is grade tenth of SMA Negeri 1 Air Batu, where the population of this study was 4 (four) parrarel classes, consisting of X-1, X-2, X-3, and X-4, where each class consists of 30 students, So the total is 120 students. In selecting the sample is used clustered random sampling. The students of class x-1 and x-4 of are chosen as the sample. The data were acquired by administrating an oral test where the student must continue again the story witth their imagination.


Kata Kunci : Effect, Students, SMA Negeri 1 Air Batu

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