Oktaviana Nirmala Purba


The low ability of students to solve problems and think creatively is inseparable from the learning strategies used during the learning process. Until now there are still many found, that the learning strategy in the classroom is still dominated by structuralism where the aim is for students to remember factual information. The purpose of this study was to see: (1) whether the increase in mathematical creative thinking skills of students using a realistic mathematical approach was higher than using ordinary learning; (2) whether the increase in mathematical problem solving abilities of students using realistic mathematical approaches is higher than using ordinary learning. This research is a quasi-experimental study. The population of this study was class X MAN Asahan. The samples in the study were class XA (experimental class) and class XB (control class). The instrument used was a test of creative thinking skills and problem solving. Data analysis was performed by t test and anava. The results of this study are: (1) Increased creative thinking skills of students who use PMR are higher than students who use ordinary learning; (2) Improvement of mathematical problem solving abilities of students who use PMR is higher than students who use ordinary learning.


Keywords:    creative thinking skills, PMR , problem solving skills, ordinary learning, structuralism

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