0REACTUALIZATION NORMA AS A REALITY IN LAW EASTERN COASTAL AREA OF ACEH:"Case Study Role of Islamic Law in the Perspective of Sociological"

Imam Hadi Sutrisno, Ibnu Hajar


Human from birth has been equipped with the instinct to live together with other people, because it will be arise a desire for orderly life, which regularly organized according to a person not necessarily for others. Of the need for such guidelines was born the norm or rules which essentially arises from a view of the value of human behaviour which is the benchmark (foundation)   behaviour   are   considered   appropriate   and   is   derived   from   normative   or philosophical thought. The norm has been maintained for years, even ingrained in the communities themselves, so it is used as the handle legal norms, worldview, way of life for the community. However, why do people sometimes forget that these norms as though it  was opposed by their own.

The goal is how customary systems are confirmed in law and society is able to adopt the customs and religions that have been confirmed in a law, and the role of the clergy.

This study is taking in ‘Eastern Coastal Area Of Aceh’ heterogeneous, targeting the younger generation of students, where they will be as the user in performing the customary Shari'ah. Studies used descriptive analytical writing with qualitative methods.

The obtained was lack of transparency, seemed stiff even as though the law only blunt the sharp downward but upward. This is because umaro not have the ability to be a good role model to the community, and still is need for learning.

Keywords: norms, umaro, students, Shari'ah, worldview

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