Yusriati Yusriati, Devi Rasita Tarigan


The research  was about An Analysis of Teacher’s Questioning Strategies in English Classroom : A Case Study at SMK Negeri 4 Medan. The aims of the research were to describe the types of  questions commonly used by the teacher and to analyze  the function of using the questions. The method of the research was descriptive qualitative method. The data were obtained by videotaping the classroom interaction between teacher and students in English Class   The result of the study revealed that there were two types of questions commonly used by the teacherin the class; they were display and referential questions. The total percentage of display question was 74 % and referential questions was  26 %. The functions of the questions were  to arouse interest and curiosity concerning a topic, to focus attention on a particular issue or aspect, to develop an active approach to learning, to stimulate students to ask questions  to teachers  and other students, to check learner’s understanding, to elicit information and to control the classroom.



Keywords:  Teacher, Questioning Strategy ,Referential Question, Display Questions, English Classroom

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