Nashrudin Setiawan, Emi Wakhyuni, Abdi Setiawan


PT. G. Parking located on JL. S. Parman Cambridge City Square Building is a Private Holding Company running Parking Management business. This company manages parking in Cambridge City Square Building and Manhattan's Town Square Buildings which is located at JL. Gatot Subroto . The independents variable Information Management System and Decision Making have a positive effect on employees performance. The relationship between independents and dependents variables are positive. Independent variables give a boost to the bound variable of the regression coefficient of each variable. Through linear equations based on the table above: Y =

1,435 + 0.355 0.474 x 1 + X 2 .The  influence of the management information system (SIM) and decision making in PT G Parking Field is in line with the performance of the employee. A positive value means that the symbolic if enhanced Management information system in one unit, then the performance of employees will be increased by

0.355 units. Similarly, improved decision making one unit then the performance will be improved of 0.474 units. Thus a positive relationship between the free variables of management information systems and decision making with variable bound to the performance of the employees of PT G Parking direct and linear Field. Partial variable test result management information system obtained the results of t-count of 2.909 with significance of 0.006 against the performance of employees.  When its compared to the value of t-table, then t-table 2.909 > t-table with a 1.687 significance 0.05 0.006 < (n-2, α

= 5%). With the condition that the first hypothesis thus proposed are acceptable,

meaning that management information systems give an impact on employee performance.

Keywords: Management Information System, Decision Making, Performance

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