Faisal Riza


Political party (parties) in a democratic political system becomes very important presence in the community. Political parties receive special role as a forum to bridge the aspirations of the community, distribute and reallocate social community or political strength to the level of the political superstructure country through elections conducted once every five years. Institutionally, political parties are private legal entities established by a group of people with ideals and the same goal. However, political parties are functionally oriented public and become a place of struggle in the political aspirations of the democratic government.

Political parties currently in development, is an organization that always faced pluktuatif internal disputes which often lead to a split. Internal party disputes occur due to the institution failing to relocate the dispute by consolidating various interests are in line of sight of one another. Some of the disputes that have occurred in the internal party is a Group Party (Golkar), the United Development Party (PPP) and several other parties protracted settlement could not be resolved even in internal party itself. It should not happen, because the dispute is going on internally must be dealt with at the party itself and not just take him out of the party.

Disputes can be brought to a party outside the party to be resolved or settled by the court if there is no settlement in the party's internal means. As an alternative so that internal disputes in the party is not brought or resolved through the courts, the Article 32 paragraph (1) and (2) of Law No. 2 of 2011 on the Amendment to Act No. 2 of 2008 on Political Parties has been given the role of the court party to resolve internal party disputes. Therefore, every political party should be formed and have a party tribunal or other appropriate designation Statutes and Bylaws of the party as an alternative dispute resolution outside the court.


Keywords:Settlement, Political Parties, the Court Party

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