Raudatul Patimah, Nita Triadisti, Herda Ariyani


This community service is motivated by the problems of junior high school students who are in the early teenage stage with an age range of 12-15 years. At this age, students are in puberty, where there is a transition and development in themselves both physically, psychologically, and socially. Drug abuse is one of the problems that often occurs among teenagers, this happens because they do not know and know more about drugs. Drugs are substances or a combination of substances, including biological products, which are used to influence or investigate physiological systems or pathological states. Drugs can indeed cure, but the use of the wrong drug will result in poisoning or new diseases. Pharmacists have a role in introducing more about drugs, such as drug dosage forms, efficacy, or logos of drugs. So that the purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of junior high school students about medicine. Community service to students in junior high schools in Banjarmasin is carried out by providing outreach and question and answer methods using counseling media. The result of this activity is that children in their early teens do not fall into the wrong use of drugs, especially because of promiscuity nowadays.


Keywords: Pharmacists, Drugs, Teens

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