Hanina Hanina


Children are the hope of parents, the hope of the future of the family and even the nation, because it needs to be prepared so that one day they become qualified, healthy, moral and useful human beings for themselves, their families, religions and nations Children need to be prepared from an early age so that they get a true parenting pattern while experiencing the process of growth and development. Good parenting makes children strong personalities, not easily discouraged, and responsible for facing a life full of warning colors or the romance of life. The subjects are a husband and wife couple who care for and educate children and adolescents properly and correctly, residents of Sei village. Understand. The data analysis technique used is the observation method, the interview method, and the documentation method. Based on the data obtained to answer the problem, the data analysis that the researchers carried out was examining all available data from various sources, compiling it in a unit, conducting an examination of the data, after being collected then grouped into a category and analyzed qualitatively.


Keywords: Parenting, Education, Counseling Guidance

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