Tuti Herawati, Nila Sudarti, Heni Subagiharti


This service activity was carried out in Meranti Village, Meranti District, Asahan Regency. The problem that occurs with the partners is the lack of talent in telling stories, especially children in Meranti village, so that when there is a storytelling competition event, a lot of children cannot participate. Apart from the low competency of the children in telling stories in public, there are also factors that exist in them who are not used to being active, shy, so that their knowledge or understanding is still low. The solution provided by the implementer to partners is to carry out training activities to develop early childhood talent through storytelling competencies during the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity is expected to improve children's storytelling skills in life. These activities include 1) providing basic knowledge about the importance of speaking or storytelling skills; 2) Encourage children to often listen to fairy tales 3) provide tricks and tips so that children are interested in listening and telling stories in public 4) conduct competition activities to motivate children and improve children's speaking skills. The target output is one article on; activity videos; and increasing the empowerment and knowledge of partners according to the problems at hand. An additional output is the publication of an accredited local journal under the name Anadara journal.


Keywords: Storytelling Competence, Talent Development

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