Juliwati P Batubara, Rumondang Rumondang, Khairani Laila


The government's policy to avoid the spread of COVID-19 by limiting activities outside the home (PSBB) has an impact on meeting the basic needs of the family while nutritional needs are important to increase immunity. Fulfilling nutritional needs during a pandemic can be done by raising fish and vegetables simultaneously or "Budikdamder". The community's knowledge of Bangun Sari village about “Budikdamder” activities is still low and has never been carried out. The PKM program is carried out in the Bangun Sari Village Hall through outreach activities with interactive lecture and discussion methods aimed at making the people of Bangun Sari Village remain productive during the COVID-19 pandemic in realizing family food independence. Activities carried out by socializing and explaining "Budikdamder" and the stages in the "Budikdamder" business. The education from this activity adds to knowledge and stimulates the people of Bangun Sari Village to carry out Budikdamder activities at home. The output target of the PKM is a scientific article published in the ANADARA Journal, the Asahan University Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM).


Keywords: Budikdamder, Food Independence

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