Febry Andhika Putri, Indra Perdana, Emiel Salim Siregar


Running a household ark is not always smooth, there must be misunderstandings, mistakes, and conflicts. Disputes in dealing with family problems, there are couples who can handle it, some who are unable to overcome it, and result in a rift in a marital relationship. Divorce is chosen when a married couple feels they can no longer maintain their marriage. It is important for the court to follow up on the divorce suit because the plaintiff must have a reason for divorce also being considered. So the Court is obliged to mediate or reconcile the two who want to divorce. In writing this research, the author uses empirical juridical research methods by conducting field research. The formulation of the problem presented by the author in this study is how the mediator role of the judge in the mediation process in divorce cases (Study in the Religious Courts Range Number: 1414/Pdt.G/201/PA.Kis. And what factors influence success mediation in divorce cases Based on the aforementioned problem formulation the authors conclude the Mediation process of divorce cases in the Religious Courts The range is in accordance with the mediation process that has been regulated in the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation, namely the mediation process has two stages: First, the stage Pre-mediation where the pre-mediation stage is a judge requires that both parties who want to divorce must mediate first, Second, the Mediation Process Phase, where the mediation process is carried out for 30 days and can be extended 30 days from the end of the first 30 days, and during the mediation process the mediator carries out the role of da n his duties as a neutral third party without deciding the outcome of the divorce case. The final process is the mediator notifying the results of mediation and the factors influencing the success of mediation in divorce cases are that both parties no longer wish to be together or both parties do not attend the trial schedule/agenda which is easily determined of by the Kisaran Religious court.

Keywords: Judge Mediator, Mediation, Kisaran Religious Court

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