Paisal Manurung, Lisa Ariani Panjaitan, Syakila Indah Sari


This research viewed the error analysis of prepositions in dscriptive texts by students of SMKS Karya Utama. It was carried out descriptive’s analysis. Aarts and Aarts’ (1982) concept is used to explain the types of prepositions. The research found out the kinds of error in prepositions made by the students. The concept of the theory is used to explain the types errors in prepositiosn made by the students. The data of the research were taken from the students’ writing assignment. The results of this research showed that there ware three kinds of preposition errors made by the students. First, the omission of preposition-the students drop a preposition in a sentence where it is obligatory. Second, the insertion of preposition-the students add a preposition in a sentence where it is not necessary. Third, the selection of incorrect preposition ended in a sentence.

Keywords: error analysis, prepositions, omission, insertion, selection

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