Chika Dewi Lumban Tobing, Dian Anggraini Harahap, Yen Aryni


This research was conducted to analyze what kinds of punctuation dominant error are usually used by students. The objective of this research is to analyze the kinds punctuation dominant errors made by students in writing descriptive text to the Tenth Grade students at SMK Swasta Al Ma’shum Kisaran in 2020/2021 academic year. This research is a qualitative research. The subject of this research was the Tenth Grade students at SMK Swasta Al Ma’shum Sidodadi in 2020/2021 Academic Year. The techniques of collecting data was through observation and test based on practice who given from the researcher that is description text without punctuation. In this study use qualitative method in descriptive analysis. It was do with an explanation as follows; collecting data from the respondents, classifying data into grammatical errors based on Dulay, analyze data, describe data, interprate data, and the last is conclude the data. The total population of sample was 77 students but she used only X-3 as the respondent with 25 students. The research finding showed that the most common error which most students made are capital letter 50,2%, period 27,1% and comma 22,7%. It can be concluded that most of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Swasta Al Ma'shum are still make error of using punctuation.

Key words : Analysis, Error, Writing, Descriptive, Punctuation.

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