Empowering the Students’ Vocabulary Skill by Using Flash card Method at First Semester English Education Study Program in Academic Year of 2016/2017

Paisal Paisal Manurung


This study was about the implementation of Student Flash card in English classroom to improve students’ vocabulary skill. The study conducted at  Fisrt Semester English Education Study Program. The objective of the research  was the students of First Semester (I-A) in Academic Year of 2016-2017  . There was only one class consisting 30 students. The classroom action research was applied in this study. The result of study shows that the study ended in cycle two. As the result, some procedure of empowering to improve students’ vocabulary skill were found that the used of flash cardcould empower their vocabiulary skill. the resulting of the data in the fisrt cyles showed that the fisrt cycle was 40 %. It meant that the empowering of the students’s vocabulary skill was lower than in the second cycles showed that 86 %. It meant that the empowering of the students’s vocabulary skill by using the Flash cardmenthod could empower the vocabulary materials.   

Key Word: Empowering, Vocabulary Skill, Flash card, Method

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