Zuraidah Nasution


This study deals with how to develop the students’ skills to make polite request and based on circumstaces, and what the students’ difficulties are in making polite request and responses based on circumstances. The objectives of this research es to develop students’ skill to make polite request and based on circumstances  and to find out students difficulties in making polite request and response based on circumstances. This study applied Quantitative descriptive research to investigate the object of the study. This research took  the population of  30 students grade eighth of SMP   Al Farabi , Tanjung Selamat, Deli Serdang,  2020-2021 academic year as the sample. The students got some problemstostate the polite requests and responses because of  less vocabulary, tenses and grammar.  They could not understand polite request and impolite request, and  they did not know when use the polite request and response. It conducted a test as the instrument of the research, and to collect the data was essay test was conducted to get the total sample. Collecting the data was used to describe and analyze the students’ answers. After analyzing, it was found out that the student’s skill to make polite request and response based on circumstances is thatthere were 15 students or 41%  who were able to answer correctly. It means that they still need to improve their skill to make polite request and responses. From this research, the  eighth years students of  SMP Al Farabi, Tanjung Selamat, Deli Serdang were not all able in making polite request and response based on circumstances in learning speaking.

Keywords: developing skills, polite requests, responses, circumstances

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