Fani Yosephin Situmorang, Paisal Manurung


The research is an analysis focusing on the difficulties in writing descriptive text done by students at Kisaran in Academic Year of 2019/2020. The objective of this research to find out the difficulties of students faced by the eleventh grade students in writing descriptive text. The techniques of collecting the data are interview and test. The instrument of the research was a writing test which used analysis design. The research used random sampling technique to choose the subject of the research, and the research choosed by 36 students. The research used the theory of Betty Scramfer’s model that consist of eleven difficulties that students faced in writing English Text. Therefore the result of the research shows that there was subject and verb 8,77% of 10 students, verb agrremnt 12,28%  of  14  students,  article  12,28%  of  14  students, pronoun 6,14% of 7 students, add a word 4,38% of 5 students, omit a word 6,94% of 10 students,  spelling  14,03%  of  16  students,  punctuation  4,16%  of  6  students, capitalization 10,41% of 15 students, preposition 17,54% of 20 students and word choice and diction 2,77% of 4 students. So clearly, the students need to learn more about the rules in writing descriptive text.

Key words: Descriptive Text, Writing, Difficulties

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