Language Styles That are realized in Mandailing Batak Wedding Ceremony

Derliana Hasibuan


This study addresses language styles that are realized in Mandailing Batak Wedding ceremony. The objectives of the study are to describe language styles that are realized in Mandailing Batak Wedding ceremony. There are stages leading toward marriage ceremony in Mandailing Batak. They are presented namely: Mangupa is a religious tradition in Batak culture, especially Mandailing Batak. It indicates full and total comprehension of Bataknese ancestors to the existence of vanish substance; ruler of heaven and earth, including with human life. This is what the ancestors called Debata; the Almighty power of God. In Mangupa there is a norm of interaction it means Mangupa event is attended by many people, especially those who involve in Dalihan Na Tolu. All the participants from both sides sit together opposite each other. There are no any interruption in event, but master of ceremony (Orang Kaya), in some occasions address questions and give commands to the audience while leading the event.

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