Lala Afni Maranatha, Heni Subagiharti


This research was conducted to analyse the most dominant difficulties and the factors is caused by students’ difficulty in listening skill. The objective of this research is to identify the difficulties faced by the eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta Daerah Kisaran, to identify factors of causing the students difficulties in listening skill at the eleventh grade students SMA Swasta Daerah Kisaran 2021/2022 Academic Year. This research is a qualitative research. The subject of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta Daerah Kisaran 2021/2022 Academic Year. The techniques of collecting the data are Test and Interview. The research used the technique of analysing the data from Miles and Huberman. The steps to analysing the data for the first is data collecting, the research collecting the data from the students, such as test of students. The second is data reduction, the research classifies and reduces the data based on focus. Third is data display, the research arranging the information described in order to draw the conclusion. The research presents the data from the difficulties in listening skill using audio visual media with narrative form and in table form. The result of the research shows that are 33% students who have difficulties in grammar with the total incorrect 20. Then, there are 67% students who have difficulties in vocabulary with the total of incorrect is 60.  The factor of causing the students difficulties found in difficulties listening there are difficulty in vocabulary, house environment, lack of concentration, paralinguistic features such as accent, noise, level of delivery, pronunciation, and intonation,  lack of students in learning English.

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