Hanina Hanina


Interactive media can cause negative things for teenagers, including affect motivation and aggressive behavior. Subjects were students of SMP-1 range, 11-14 years of age, male gender, the experience of playing computer games online ± 1 year, high school parent education, parental income ≤Rp.1.500.000, - / month, students rank 1 -10 in the classroom and the subject of 40 people. Data analysis technique used is the product moment correlation analysis technique. Measuring instruments used in this research is by using questionnaires. Data collection procedures done in three phases: preparation, data collection phase, the normality test to determine whether the normal distribution of data, linearity test to find out the degree of relationship between the independent variables on the dependent variable and statistical analysis using product moment correlation analysis technique. The survey results revealed that the intensity of use of computer games online contributes very significantly to the tendency of aggressive behavior by the coefficient r xy = 0.725 where p <0.01 means that the higher the intensity of use of computer games the higher the aggressive behavior and vice versa. Then the intensity of the use of computer games contributed r xy = -0.545 on motivation to learn. This means that the higher the intensity of use of computer games online is getting low motivation to learn and vice versa. The researchers suggest is the need to increase the understanding and knowledge of the benefits from the use of computer games online, the need to give attention to the teenager against her social behavior that teenagers are not the wrong way, the need for watchdogs against teenagers in the use of interactive media.


Keywords  :    Intensity of use mediainteraktif, Computer games, motivation to learn, aggressive behavior.

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