Analisis Nilai Moral dalam Novel Introver Karya M.F Hazim dan Manfaatnya dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Tingkat SMA

Nur Fadillah



This study aims to determine moral values and their benefits in learning Indonesian at the senior high school level. The object of this research is the novel Introver by M.F Hazim, third edition, June 2022. The method used is descriptive qualitative which analyzes the moral values in the novel Introver and its use in Indonesian language learning at the high school level. The data in this study are text excerpts in sentences contained in the novel Introver by M.F Hazim. Data collection is done by reading and noting. The results of this study indicate (1) The moral values contained in the novel Introver by M.F Hazim are human relations with oneself including principled, decision-making, reading, being productive, being yourself, thinking critically, not liking small talk, reciprocating, likes to observe, conscientious, friendly deterrent in making mistakes, good prejudice, patient, independent and positive thinking; human relations with other people include helping, being generous, caring, prejudiced and socializing; the human relationship with God includes praying, surrendering to God and having faith in God with the belief in all God's provisions and creations; human relationship with the environment includes loving, maintaining and enjoying the beauty of the natural surroundings. (2) The benefits in learning Indonesian can be used as a source of learning in schools and used as a guide for good behavior towards others

Keywords: Moral Values, Novels, Indonesian Language Learning


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