Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran berbantuan Powtoon ditinjau dari Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis

Sindy Dwika Putri, Sri Rahmayanti


This research aims to determine the development of audio visual learning media assited by Powtoon. This type of research is development research with a 4D model. The population in this research are students of SMA Negeri 1 Pulau Rakyat. The product received a validity score of 90,67% in the very valid category by 3 validators. The practicality of the product received s practicality score or 90,00% in the very practical category seen from the result of the teacher’s response and 91,76% in the very practical category seen from theresult of the response of 32 students regarding the use of Powtoon-assited mathematics learning media in arithmetic sequences and series. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the media is categorized as very effective because students’ completeness had reached 90,63%, seen from the test result given to students in the trial. Based on the research that has been carrid out, it os proven that audio visual learning media assited by Powtoon is very valid, very practical, and very effective to use in learning. The result Powtoon – assited audio visual learning media can be used in mathematics learning with the aim of helping students to understandthe material.Keywords: Learning Media, Audio Visual, Powtoon

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